Welcome to this page on connecting every thing up for your monitored flood detector.

1). The first thing to do after you have modified your cell phone is to cut the wires on the water switch to the size you want them and take some of the covering off the wires at the bottom then connect them in to the electrical connecter box.

2). The first wire which is the 9V+ connect this to the first block in the line then connect the 12 - V to the block next to it and so on till every wire has been connected into the connecter block.

3). Now to your left of the water switch it says Relay connect your modified cell phone into the two blocks here.

 4).Where it says Water Sensor connect two wires here this can be some speaker wire up to 15 feet or shorter if you like this is good for inside the house, shop or organization for detecting water be it a flood burst pipe or river or even a outside storm drain over flowing and entering your premises.

5). Now cut the power supply cable the long wire that comes down from the adapter plug at the bottom take some of the cover off the wires and connect one end in to the first block them just touch the second block for about 1 second if the Red LED light comes on the Water Switch is working then just connect this wire in to that block if the red light does not come on then take out the first wire that say 9V+ and put it in the second block to the right.

6) As soon as the water touches the two Water Sensors it will activate the relay and send a signal to your cell phone, When the signal calls you it would be best to have the incoming signal on your mobile phone say flood this would inform you that your Water detector has activated by detecting water on your premises.

The photo above is of the water switch with the cover taken of the end of the wires see where I am pointing.

The water switch with all it's wires connected into the connecter block.

7). Now we are going to connect our power supply again cut the plug of the end of the wires and take some of the covering off from the power cable.

8). Now screw one end of the wire into the first connecter and just touch the second connecter block to see if the LED red light comes on if it does screw the wire into that block if not reverse the wires.

You can see how to test the wires if you don't have a test meter.

Now we have connected our power supple to the unit the red led is on and all so I have connected the Sensor wire to the unit.

9). Now in the photo above you can see the finished unit connect the wires the same way and modify the cell phone the same way like I have done and you should have your self a working flood detector that will call you.
