Welcome to this page on how to stop foxes taking small Animals or Bird's.


How to stop Foxes taking small animals or Birds with out hunting with dogs, Shooting or snaring and it works 100 % 

Foxes will take Chickens, Pet rabbits, Ducks, Hens, Guinea pigs, Game birds Lambs if weak, still born or died from starvation or disease. If they are not secured in their surroundings the best way to protect this type of animal or bird is with electric netting or fences and it is 100% more humane than hunting with dogs and shooting & snaring. The animals or birds in side the electric barrier are protected from wildlife out side the wildlife outside just get a quick electric shock if they touch the net or fence this will move them on away from the area it is working 24 hours a day seven days a week 52 weeks a year and it is 100% more humane. 

  Electric Fencing Direct for expert advise

How to protect pregnant ewes before and after they have their lambs.

Why shooting foxes is a total waste of time for the farmer & why I do not agree with shooting.

Please Note that the Chemical called Renardine is now banned in the United Kingdom of 30 June 2005, the approval for the storage and use of Renardine 72-2 (MAFF 06769) was revoked. There is now no current UK approval for the sale, supply, advertisement, storage or use of Renardine 72-2.

Warning for people living in the USA that want to use electric fences to protect wildlife and live stock check out www.Fishock.com this is to do with the mains voltage in the USA it is 110 volt. But in the UK it is 240 volts. If you like building electronic circuits up from  kits then this company can supply the Printed circuit Board components and diagrams if you live in the UK use  the 12 volt version kits for your electric fence. 

A very good devise to repel foxes humanly is a Ultrasonic Sounders. Effective against Cats, Dogs, Rats, Mice, Squirrels, Rabbits, Foxes, and a ton more for more on this visit www.izola.co.uk/index.html   I find the devices here much better than hunting with dogs, shooting, snaring and it is 100% more effective and humane.

If you want to keep foxes away from some parts of your property then you can use a devise called a scat mat this is made for pets but can be used to stop foxes.  If you see the online video for this product of the dog pushing the bin over then this will make it easy for the fox to get in to your bin two things you can do one is to chain the bin to a drain pipe or fence or use the scat mat around the bin as well: Web page:  http://www.scatmat.com/Products/ScatMat/ 

 A good device for chasing animals off the road is the  DR2 Deer Repeller Generates Frequency some 725 Feet Ahead of Vehicle - Powered from Car Battery Compact Design mounts behind Grill Emits a High-Pitched Sound proven Effective for Repelling Animals Weather Resistant - Also Audible to Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Squirrels and more. Web site: http://www.yoursecurity.us/pest.htm

 A very good device for stopping foxes is the Humane ROBO-DOG! NEW COMPUTERIZED BARKING DOG ALARM X10's barking dog alarm has always been a favourite with X10's customers.  Its ingenious design allows you to trigger a frightening dog bark by motion or key chain remote.  Now, we've improved the barking dog alarm with the enhancements that our customers have always wanted -- computerized control of the dog! You can now use Active Home to control it, even program Macros that make the dog bark.  This new dog is intelligent, not to mention loud, mean and frightening to strangers. That's real power! We gave it a name that reflects its improved abilities. Introducing Robo-Dog. Web Page:  http://www.x10.com/security/x10_dk9000.htm 

The Scarecrow is humane and it is a battery powered, motion sensing lawn sprinkler. It detects animals that come within range, and briefly squirts water from it's pulsating impact sprinkler head. The combination of sudden noise, motion and a jet of water startles the animals - and they Scat! The Scarecrow has a range of 35 feet and, with it's 110 degree spread will protect up to 1,000 square feet of garden see the online video with this one. This could be used on Small holdings, Farms and a lot more. This is a American company. www.Scarecrow.com   I find this device here much better than hunting with dogs, shooting, snaring and it is 100% more effective and humane.

If you live in the United kingdom then you can buy the humane Scarecrow from  Electric Fencing direct  well worth a visit.

If you find the information above help full then you may like to know one of the best books on the market is by the Fox Project, the name is Unearthing the Urban Fox by Trevor Williams and Andrew Wilson. The book in question covers every form of stopping the fox from being a problem humanly with out cruelty. If you have a small holding or are a farmer or a home owner it will be an excellent buy the cost of the book is just under a fiver for the information in it. It is worth a lot more if you asked me this will help solve your problems with your local foxes why not visit the Fox Projects web site for more help and how to order the book.

For more good sites and advise on how to stop foxes coming on to your land be it small holding, farm, garden and more visit the National fox welfare society  or  Derbyshire Fox Rescue  John Bryant Animal Welfare Consultant Specialising in the humane urban Wildlife deterrence

The Hydestile Wildlife Hospital covers every form of wildlife injury and can advise on the best action to take till the vet gets there.

I do fully recommend every site on this page if you find a injured animal and need expert help on the best way to care for it till the vet or animal rescuer gets to your location it is well worth programming some of the local vet's phone numbers in to your mobile phone. 

John Bryant has writhen a book on the humane way to deal with wildlife as well it is called Living With Urban Wildlife. 

If you want to know more about fox watching then you have to read fox watching in the shadow of the fox by Martin Hemmington the founder of the National fox welfare society click here to order this excellent book.

The hunting issue is not about fox control but the hunts out dated tradition and their sick ways. 

Wildlife Crime & Wildlife 
Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW)
Enforcement Plan (2009 - 2011)



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